Land selling system

In the recent past there has been developments in the Kenyan Real Estate sector ranging from how advertisements are carried out as well as how payments are received. Many Land selling companies now use short codes, Facebook and other online mediums to help receive leads and most payments are made via M-Pesa and banks. This has created a gap in terms of a solution to help improve the accounts team become more productive by allowing quick response and transparency in reconciling transactions. As a result of increased number of leads, it’s hard to distribute them equally as well as have a central access point to help review the lead responses.

Our System seeks to address the above challenges as well as provide effective methods of managing site visits, projects, clients payments and plot summary, expenses, loyalty program, digital offer letter, digital receipt and statement, staff attendance automated reminders, debt reminders, staff anonymous suggestion box, M-Pesa and banks integration (all local banks), facebook integration, real-time dashboard, customer surveys, refunds, payment transfers, call center for sales agents and lead reports among other items. The system can also be integrated with various accounting softwares like QuickBooks, Sage and Zoho books among others.

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